A Proven Advertising Medium
It has been proven that email marketing with a strong brand message provides the most effective rate of return relative to other advertising mediums. Prospects that have delayed their purchase decision and previous customers that could be won over by a competitor provide a target rich environment for a periodic newsletter from your company.
The Key to Successful Sales is Consistency
Prospects that are searching for products/services your business offers most likely do not end up purchasing after their initial search. For as long as the decision making process takes, you want your company to be in the forefront of your prospects’ minds. This is where a timely, regular, and well branded email campaign can be a strong influence on purchase decisions. This is applicable to both direct consumers and other industry companies who can benefit from your services.
Drip Marketing is Essential to Maximize Advertising Costs
Any sales lead, or contact you get from a prospect, has a cost associated with it. To maximize the benefit of that expense you want to stay in contact as long as you can. Many products and services consumers buy have an extended sales cycle and the decision making process can take time. Drip marketing, through periodic newsletters, keeps you in that prospect’s consideration right up until they make a purchase.
If You Need Repeat Business, You Have to Stay in Touch
Just because a customer has repeatedly used your services in the past, doesn’t mean you can just assume they will always be back. There is always a competitor that is working hard at increasing their market share and that means winning business away from established providers. Stay in touch with all your past customers and let them know whats new and why your better than the alternative they just heard about.
Get Started with Email Marketing!
What’s Your Personal Signature? |
A Powerful Signature or a Hotmail Address? |
Every email you send, whether it’s to the parents on your child’s soccer team or to an important prospect, has the potential to connect you with new business. This simple and free function offers a myriad of ways to radiate your company’s brand.
Your business’ emails should include the following: An email address that has your domain name which is your business name.A signature with your title, contact information and a relevant tag line about what your company sells.Your company logo with a link to your web site makes your company a click away.Maximize each touch with a powerful name, and a well crafted signature that makes it easy for the curious to investigate the goods and services you offer. |